


AC1BE20L7046CN30:16Crystal (46CN) is a private field just east of Agua Dulce
AC13C340KSGU1L824:28St George to Stout in a Jetranger
AC14BH06L7046CN19:40Agua Dulce to Crystal (pvt) in a Jetranger
AC2BE20L70CL4612:31Quail Lake is a private airport just southeast of the GMN VOR
AC4BE20U08L9235:50Perkins to Alamo
AC5BE20L92U0827:46Alamo to Perkins
AC6BE2067L1L833:31Mesquite to Stout
AVXTour1BH06KAVXKAVX17:24KAVX, Helicopter tour on the SE and NE side of the island, departs from east ramp
AVXTour2BH06KAVXKAVX17:47Formation with AVXTOUR1
AVXTour3BH06KAVXKAVX19:47heli tour NW of AVX
AVXTour4BH06KAVXKAVX15:21departs AVX to the southwest, lands on beach, then hovers near SXC VOR to conduct inspection before returning to AVX west ramp.
BP1M20PL52KPRB21:10Oceano to Paso Robles
BP2M20PKPRBL5218:57Paso Robles to Oceano Co
BP3M20PKIYKKMIT30:24Inyokern to Shafter-Minter
BP4M20PKMITKIYK29:05Shafter-Minter to Inyokern
BP5C172KAVXKCPM18:42Santa Catalina to Compton
CHOP3BH06KGCNKGCN3:59Jetranger doing pattern work at GCN from the NE ramp
CL4PA462CA42CA446mLeaves every 23 mins, departs Blackinton (pvt) then down the coast to the SAN Bravo, back up towards CRQ, steep turns and misc air work, then 3 laps of the pattern at Blackinton.
GCNTOUR1,2BH06KGCNKGCN29:08Departs every 10 minutes. Jetrangers at KGCN, Canyon Run, lands near the river, hangs out for a few minutes, then heads back to KGCN, speeds approx 110-120kts
GLID1AS21CL35CL3542m28sGlider out of Warner Springs, flown with 25kt, 35 and 45kt westerly winds at 3000, 6000 and 9000ft. Winched out of Warner Springs, flies north to nearest ridge, uses slope lift to stay aloft. Continues east to increasingly higher slopes.  Eventually climbs to more than 9000ft in the mountains. Returns to Warner Springs with altitude to spare, burns off the remaining with some aerobatics over the field before landing facing west.
IE1SR22KOKBKOKB22:444 laps of the pattern at Oceanside
KS1P32RKAVXKAVX19:58Saratoga doing airwork on SE corner of island, 3500-5500ft. Steeps turns, dep/arr stalls, slow flight, landing back at AVX
KS10P28AL17KDLO29:00Taft-Kern Co to Delano, rwy 7 to Delano right downwind rwy 14
KS11P28AKDLOKDLO29:00Delano, pattern work, soft field takeoff, short approach, go-around, then VFR NE briefly and return, falling in behind KS10
KS12LJ25L19L0856:44Wasco-Kern Co to Borrego Springs. 15.5k, 280kias via FIM SLI OCN, on go-around then full stop ldg rwy 26 (7 instances of this drone)
KS13LJ25L621L351:51Elk Hills - Buttonwillow to Searchlight, 17.5k, 290kias, PMD DAG GFS (5 instances)
KS14LJ251L3L6254:13Searchlight to Elk Hills - Buttonwillow 16.5k, 290kias, GFS DAG PMD, one go-around at destination (5 instances of this drone)
KS15P32RKPTVL671hrs 6minsPorterville to Rialto/Miro, 11.5k, LHS SAUGS overhead destination at 5500ft, circle 45 right downwind rwy 24
KS16variesL09L042hr27mStovepipe Wells to Holtville, 9500ft, GFS PKE BLH BZA, goes under several MOAs that have 10k floors (6 instances of this drone in various GA singles)
KS17LJ25KKNBKHII30:00Kanab to Lake Havasu, 1.65k, PGS IGM (4 instances of this drone)
KS18P28AKBWC1L12hr 30minBrawley to Lincoln Co at 9500ft (9 instances of this drone)
KS19P28AKCPMKCPM32:00Compton and back with tour over LGB and SLI (3 instances)
KS2PA44L73L7349:26Poso Kern Co and back (near EHF VOR). Seminole doing airwork over Lake Isabella including single and dual engine failures, returns at 8500 back to L73
KS20LJ25KCPMKAVX24:19Compton to Santa Catalina, 25L dep, steep climb to 4500 remaining under 200kias while below the Bravo.  Tour of the Palo Verde peninsula, then climb to the southwest towards AVX with views of oncoming traffic. One lap of the island at 250kias, attempted landing rwy 24, go around, right traffic then full stop.
KS21C172KCPMKCPM16:56Compton pattern work
KS22P32RP20O893hr0mAvi Suquilla to Fall River Mills - 16.5k in the Saratoga, via GFS BTY OAL KHTH FMG H37 1Q2
KS29P32R0O4KIPL3h22mLeaves every 15 mins. Corning ILA SAC ECA HYP VIS EHF LHS PDZ JLI KUMBA to Imperial, right downwind 26.
KS3P32RL84L84unknownLost Hills Kern Co and back. 4500ft to AVE, parallel hold entry to hold south on the 180 radial, then back to L84
KS30P32R/M20P8CL1O093h19mLake Wohlford OCN LAX FIM AVE PXN OAK ENI Round Valley 10500
KS4P32RL70KTSP28:14Agua Dulce to Tehachapi, 165kts, 6500ft, rwy 22 left xwind dep towards PMD, WJF, MHV, west through the pass, overhead, circle 45 left downwind rwy 29.
KS6P28AKCPMKCPM30:00Compton and back, Piper Warrior. Air work over Palo Verde then return for rwy 7R, go around due to traffic on short final (KS7), lap of pattern and landing 7R
KS7P32RKCPMKCPM30:00Compton and back, Piper Saratoga, departs 7L behind KS6, aerobatics over Palo Verde, then return for 7R
KS8varies0Q5L883hr6mShelter Cove to New Cuyama (leaves every 15 minutes or so, 12 in total in a variety of slow moving GA singles (172, Archer, etc). Overflies the SFO Bravo.
KS9P28AKDLOL1729:00Delano to Taft-Kern Co. Departs rwy 14, left downwind entry to rwy 7
SZ1P28AL45KTSP29:00Bakersfield to Tehachapi, powerline inspection
SZ2P28AL35KDAG41:00Big Bear to Dagget-Barstow
SZ3P28AL610L741:00Shoshone to Jean
SZ4P28A0L7L61unknownJean to Shoshone
SZ5P28A1G4U30unknownGrand Canyon West to Temple Bar with a tour over the Grand Canyon
SZ6P28AU301G4unknownTemple Bar to Grand Canyon West with a tour over the Grand Canyon
SZ7P28A3L2KBVU33:00Sky Ranch to Boulder City
SZ8P28AKBVU3L239:00Boulder City to Sky Ranch
WC1BE18KAVXKCPM17:06Santa Catalina to Compton, 7500 for the very short cruise.  Over the beach descended to 3500, then between Torrance  and LGB.  Over the blimp field, descended to pattern altitude, entered left downwind for 25L on the 45. 165kias
WC2BE18L70KOKB42:59Agua Dulce to Oceanside. 160kias, cruise 3500-7500ft
ZS1PA24L90L77unknownOcotillo (non-paved) to Chiriaco Summit, 3500ft, 150kias, rwy 31 dep, over Desert Air airport, left downwind rwy 24
ZS10PA46KCCBL6522:10Cable to Perris Valley, 180kts, 3500. ELB350, H175, HDF270, PDZ160, HDF260, 45 entry to left dwind for rwy 33.
ZS11PA46L65KBNG18:21Perris Valley to Banning, 180kts, 3500-3700. Rwy 15 left dwind departure, Homeland, right dwind entry to rwy 26 at BNG.
ZS12C172F70KRIR25:38French Valley to Flabob, 100ktas, 3800. Rwy 18 left dwind dep, PDZ120 SB169, rwy 24 left base entry.
ZS13C172KRIRKAJO18:49Flabob to Corona 100ktas, 2600. Rwy 24 left dwind dep, highway eastbnd, PDZ360 PDZ, rwy 25.
ZS15C172L71L72unknownCalifornia City to Trona, 5500ft
ZS16C172L00KAPVunknownRosamond to Apple Valley, 5500, 110kts, VCV275 VCV, left dwnd entry rwy 26
ZS17C172L26KTNPunknownHesperia to Twentynine Palms, 5500, 110kts. Rwy21 left dwind dep, railroad, Valley Vista, TNP270, left dwind entry to Rwy35.
ZS18C172L800O2unknownWilliams to Baker, 5500ft, 100kias, rwy 24, PSP R-340 HEC R1-97, HEC, HEC R-017, 45 left dwind Rwy 15
ZS19C172L22L18unknownYucca Valley to Fallbrook, 6500ft, 110kias, rwy 24 dep, Morongo Valley, KBNG, KHMT F70, I-15, Pala Mesa, left dwnd Rwy 18
ZS2PA46KAVXKIZA52:556500, 150kias, rwy 22 dep, V27 VTU KOXR, shoreline, KSBA, El Capitan, left dwind rwy 26.
ZS20C172KUDDL54unknownBermuda Dunes to Agua Caliente, 6500ft, 110kias, rwy 24 dep, Morongo Valley, KBNG, KHMT F70, I-15, Pala Mesa, left dwnd Rwy 18
ZS21C172KTRMKBLHunknownCochrane Regional to Blythe, 5500, 100kias, rwy 12 dep, TRM V64 BLH, 45 left dwind rwy 17
ZS22C172L77L90unknownChiriaco Summit to Octillio (non-paved), 4500, 100kias, rwy 24 dep, Desert Air, right dwind rwy 31
ZS23PA24KSASKCXLunknownSalton Sea to Calexico Intl, 2700ft, 130kias, rwy 25 dep, IPL R-320, KIPL, 45 right downwind rwy 26
ZS24PA240L7L6124:43Jean to Shoshone, 6500ft, 150kias, rwy 20R dep, 3L2, 45 left dwind rwy 15
ZS25PA24L72L71unknownTrona to California City, 4500ft, 130kias, dep rwy 17, railroad, 45 right dwind rwy 24
ZS26PA24KAPVL00unknownApple Valley to Rosamond, 6500ft, 140kias, rwy 26 dep, 270 brng to GWF, Little Buttes apt, 45 left dwind rwy 26
ZS27PA24KTNPL26unknownTwentynine Palms to Hesperia, 8500ft, 150kias, rwy 35 dep, L80 Valley Vista apt, railroad, 45 left dwind rwy 21
ZS28PA240O2L80unknownBaker to Williams, 7500-8500ft, 130kias, rwy 15, HEC R-020, HEC, HEC R-200, PSP R-340, L22, 45 left dwind rwy 24
ZS29PA24L54KUDDunknownAgua Caliente to Bermuda Dunes 5500, 130kias, rwy 29 right dwind dep, L90 MOMAR left dwind rwy 10
ZS30PA24L18L22unknownFallbrook to Yucca Valley, 7500, 150kias, rwy 18 left dwind dep, I-15, F70, KHMT, KBNG, Desert Hot Springs, left dwind rwy 24
ZS31PA24KBLHKTRMunknownBlythe to Cochrane Regional, 8500, 140kias, rwy 17, V64, left dwind rwy 12
ZS32PA24L90L77unknownOctillo (non-paved) to Chiriaco Summit 3500, 150kias, rwy 31 dep, Desert Air apt., left dwind rwy 24
ZS33PA24KCXLKSAS27:27Calexico Intl to Salton Sea, 2800, 140kias, rwy 26 dep, IPL R-320, left dwind rwy 25
ZS4PA46KCPMKHMT26:22Compton to Hemet-Ryan, CPM 070 bearing to SLI R-335, HDF R-260 HDF HDF R-110
ZS6PA46L70L0532:44Agua Dulce to Kern Valley, cruise 8500 at 180ktas.Rwy 22 right crosswind departure, northbound to TSP, over the railroad to Caliente, then into the valley just west of Flying S (Pvt) and across the Isabella lake. Right downwind arrival to rwy 17.
ZS7PA46L05KLPC46:56Kern Valley to Lompoc. 180kts, 8500. Rwy 17 straight-out across the lake, then follow Kom River southwest, L45, L17, L88. Upwind entry to 25.
ZS8PA46KLPCKSZP31:18Lompoc to Santa Paula, 180kts, 5500. Rwy 25 right dwind towards IZA, RZS, left xwind entry rwy 22.
ZS9PA46KSZPKCCB32:28Santa Paula to Cable, 180kts, 5500. Rwy 22 straight-out dep, VNY, VNY083R, dwind entry to 24.